strategic planning and execution | rolling wave approach

Rolling Waves

Your capacity to navigate with a focused, strategic mindset has a direct impact on how you show up as a leader. A client recently surprised me with a copy of the handwritten notes I’d given him from our first session. Scribbled in the upper right corner of the page was a rough sketch of his long-term goals. Now on the cusp of achieving what we’d laid out, he’s built a…

leadership limitations and blind spots Business as Incubator of Capability

Incubators of Capability

While I’m often asked by business owners what systems, technology, or processes can be layered in to resolve their growth challenges – the most valuable cogs in a sustainable infrastructure can’t be bought. And that’s the people. The most effective leaders surrender into this truth and get sharply focused on developing their teams to ensure they can meet the…

Holistic Strategy Leadership Coaching

Holistic Strategy

For as many business owners I hear from who struggle with sales, there are more I hear from with a working revenue generating engine yet lack the ability to scale. They hold back on growth because they don’t have the employees, the management team, or the infrastructure to support it. Their business falls in unpredictable and frustrating cycles of hunting work, then doing…

expert power Executive Leadership Coaching

When Expert Power Fades

There was a time when you had all the answers… were the smartest one in the room, the best salesperson, the most creative problem solver. It’s this kind of bravado that ignites entrepreneurs to take those risky moves and startup businesses in the first place. To bet on themselves and their dreams. As companies grow…

permanent white water Executive Leadership Coaching

Safety and Boldness

I began spelunking when I was twelve. Twice a year I would travel into the heart of West Virginia where the earth is carved like swiss cheese and we would rappel into dark holes, slither through tight tunnels, wade in underground rivers, and climb over waterfalls. Safety was drilled into us. Keep three points of contact at…

Leading Through Anxiety Executive Leadership Coaching

Listening to Anxiety

Each of us travels through our entrepreneurial journey wresting with our share of anxiety. Navigating your unique differentiators in overly crowded markets, betting on your own voice and talents, and investing in your dreams against the odds all involves risk. And risk has a way of stirring up increased anxiety and worry, especially if you are “going it alone” as many entrepreneurs are…